The Bar Code Experts

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Another Accurate Data advantage: Switchboard , the Swiss Army Knife of Data Collection Software.

Screenshots of the Switchboard software.

What distinguishes Accurate Data is our expertise; our staff has over a century of data collection experience. There are few applications that we haven't seen before and few industries we haven't written software for.

Because we sell hardware, software, and programming services, we know how things work.

All of the equipment we sell is inspected and configured before we ship it to you. Telephone support is always free, and we pride ourselves by doing difficult and innovative systems that others won't attempt.

Contact Us

Call: (508) 893‑0700

Fax: (508) 893‑0702


Accurate Data Systems, Inc.

84 October Hill Road, Building 7

Holliston, MA 01746

© 2014‑2018 Accurate Data Systems, Inc.